For Squirrels

Discography - Example

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10/3/95 67150

Track listing
1. 8:02 PM 3:28
2. OrangeWorker 4:24
3. Superstar 3:20
4. Mighty K.C. 5:39
5. Under Smithville 4:35
6. Long Live The King 3:15
7. The Immortal Dog And Pony Show 4:02
8. Stark Pretty 3:52
9. Disenchanted 6:44
10. Eskimo Sandune 3:03

Sometimes you can still find this album just sitting around in CD stores. But for the most part, you will probably have to ask the store to special order it. If you still have problems getting it please contact me and we'll see what we can do.

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