For Squirrels

Discography - Relaxing the Undertow Compilation

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9/12/97 P01420011 G2 970827

Track listing
1. Pee Shy Big Blue Sky
2. Squeaky Dual Mono
3. Lovely Lads You're Turned On
4. For Squirrels Van Gogh 2:52
5. Bloom Motorolla
6. Less Than Jake Shotgun
7. Amanda Green Way Out
8. Meringue Best Buckle's Golden Anniversary
9. What It Is Bottom of the Well
10. Macha Double Life
11. Nil Lara Mountain Men
12. Sam Rivers Trio Blessings
13. Grit Kisser King Spoon
14. Jenny anykind Train is a Leaving
15. Noah's Red Tattoo Pummel
16. Mary Karlzen Kill the Birds
17. Beggar Weeds Seer
18. Hootowls Motorcycle Boy
19. Home What You Got in That Box of Yours?

I don't know what's up with this comp. seeing as how it has both 'Van Gogh' and a cover of 'Kill the Birds' by Mary Karlzan. 'Van Gogh' was only released on this compilation as well as this cover of 'Kill the Birds.' Mary Karlzan is someone I want to look into more because she is also featured on along with For Squirrels.

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