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Re: Tribute Track Listing... Posted by: Spamboy on: 2007-11-01 12:09:01
I second this. I watch the RSS feed for the Max Musings blog and don't think that it was ever posted.

Once all the tracks are available, I plan on making them available to everyone, one way or another. That is, unless Max objects.
Re: Tribute Track Listing... Posted by: RSS76 on: 2007-10-28 18:59:00
Max, I don't remember the Immortal Dog and Pony Show being posted? Is there anyway you could put it up again or email it to me? Thx...

Blondeguy9993 at yahoo dot com
Tribute Track Listing... Posted by: Max Mooney on: 2007-10-27 01:49:55
... is on the blog:

Thanks to all who downloaded the tracks.
I am glad they finally got to see the light of day.
And special thanks to those who commented on specific tracks... I was not asking for comments for myself but for the bands who lovingly recorded the covers on their own time and dime.

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