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Re: 13 Years and You Are Still Here Posted by: guestcobain on: 2017-02-05 06:14:56
Really nice tribute you wrote there. There is that 3 reference. RIP Jack, William, Tim
13 Years and You Are Still Here Posted by: Dreamweaver's Kid on: 2008-09-08 22:32:11
Here we stand looking back, as 13 years have come and gone.
The pain still resides, yet we try our best to move on.
13 in itslef may seem unlucky, this world is definitley at a loss without these 3 men.
But the numbers game reveals a something to consider once again.
1 can be quite lonely, but it was 3 who crossed into the Great Beyond that day.
3 men headed to eternal peace where forever they will stay.
Here we come together now as 1 to remember 3.
The ones who touched our lives and remain in in our hearts eternally.
So when you see 13 and think that luck had just run out,
The 1 thing you need to remember is what the 3 were all about.
They left behind the memories that bring us here today.
Their sprits will live on forever and threir memories will never fade away.

I am touched and amazed that after 13 years you still come back to this site and that so many people come to share their stories, love, and support for this amazing group of young men. Thank you all for your support and kind words and for keeping the memory alive. For Squirrels is truly For Ever thanks to each and every one of you.

God Bless

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