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Re: THE FOR SQUIRRELS PROJECT Posted by: guest on: 2020-07-17 01:32:23
We appreciate those who have emailed and wanted to update everyone that we are nearing an end to interviews. (Unless Micheal or Peter get back to us) We are excited to announce some big news before 2020 draws to an end.. stay tuned, stay safe and love your neighbors.
THE FOR SQUIRRELS PROJECT Posted by: Their Story.. on: 2019-10-11 20:17:15
We are actively working on conducting interviews and putting together the story of For Squirrels / Subrosa to tell in a format that will be announced later for 2020. While we're interviewing the band and others who knew them best, part of For Squirrels' / Subrosa story is their fans. That said, please share your For Squirrels / Subrosa stories, pictures and/or video by e-mailing Thanks for helping us tell this story!

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