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Re: New Lettuce Olive (Travis Tooke) coming soon!!! Posted by: IPR on: 2009-04-24 20:12:52
Soon! Nothing happens fast with Travis (just kidding TT :)

I want to post at least one song within two weeks. Sorry for the delay.
Re: New Lettuce Olive (Travis Tooke) coming soon!!! Posted by: RSS76 on: 2009-04-22 17:54:09
Come much longer???????? I'm dying to hear the new tunes...
New Lettuce Olive (Travis Tooke) coming soon!!! Posted by: Indigo Planet Records on: 2009-04-05 13:56:42
Just wanted to share the news that we have finished mastering on two brand new Lettuce Olive tunes. They rock hard, and bring back rock's true passion that hasn't been heard since, well, Subrosa!

They will be posted to a new Lettuce Olive MySpace page soon, and be available for download soon after.

One of the songs will be featured on an upcoming IPR compilation to benefit 'Invisible Children'. Among the other artists featured will be Chris Barron (Spin Doctors), Larry Kirwan, Black 47, Aaron Dugan (Matisyahu), and Ellen Foley.

Stay tuned... Travis is stoked and so are we!

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