For Squirrels

Lyrics - Misc.

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Van Gogh [v2 · v3 · v4] | Burning Coals
Van Gogh Top
Lyrics by For Squirrels
Desiphered by: JoshJ at LinuxMail dot Org

Here we are are we breaking up
Steal the breath before me now
Daylight comes
To those who wait for sun

Falling down
Getting up
Coming round
And watch my back you're the only one
Who noticed me before sometime

I used to be alone
get up get up get up and shine
Oh shine oh shine

Tonight like your eyes
Like a

Lovers coffee cup answer me
It's all I ever wanted
And rejected and tossed aside for little [...?]

Roll over roll over rolle over roll over
and kiss me gently kiss me
gently kiss me gently

I hear the voices again tonight
I will sleep inside your mouth tonight

Van Gogh v2 Top==============

-Van gough- 

Lyrics by For Squirrels
Desiphered by: Missy

Here we are, 
I'm breaking up. 
Steal the breath before me now. 
Daylight comes to those who wait for sun. 

Falling down, getting up, coming round, and watch my back. 
You're the only one, who noticed me before, 

I'm standing alone. 
Get up, get up, get up and shine. 
Oh shine, oh shine. 
Tonight, like your eye. 
Like a lover's coffee cup. 
Answer me, 
it's all I ever wanted. 
Rejected for and tossed aside for a lighter day. 

Roll over, roll over, roll over, 
roll over and kiss me gently. 
Kiss me gently, kiss me gently. 

I hear the voices again tonight. 
I will sleep inside your mouth tonight.

Van Gogh v3 Top==============

Dave from Cincinnati <>

"Rejected for and tossed aside for a lighter day." should be:
Rejected for and tossed aside for a latter day.

Van Gogh v4 Top==============

Rachel Mcaneney

I think that the "Lover's coffee cup..." part ends with
"and tossed aside for litter daily".
Burning Coals Top
Lyrics by For Squirrels
Desiphered by: ?

You do it again, you do it again
You want to bring you right to your level ground
You put me up, you put me down
You say our love is there...nothing at all

Do it our way, hit the hallway
It will never see your face right through the bore
Oh, I believe, I believe that what's come is not only what it's for

One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals
One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals

You do it again, you do it again
You want to bring you right to your level ground
You put me up, you put me down
You say our love is there...nothing at all

Do it our way, hit the hallway
It will never see your face right through the bore
Oh, I believe, I believe that what's come is not only what it's for

One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals
One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals


One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals
One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals

But one, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals
One, two, three we're out of control
Once you smell them burning coals


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